The loss of facial volume that occurs with ageing results in many changes to the face, including the flattening or sagging of the cheeks.
The loss of collagen and the shifting of facial fats are to blame for this, which can age the face. As we age, certain facial features lose their structural support, and the evenly distributed face fat around the cheeks, mouth, eyes, forehead, and temples gradually changes and begins to decline.
Hollowness under the eyes, or the tear trough area, results from plump, round cheeks that begin to sag and sink. Vertical lines start appearing on the lips as they contract and lose their plumpness. This results in a young, full face appearing older and thin.

What are Cheek Fillers?
The cheek augmentation procedure, also known as cheek fillers, adds volume to the area around your cheekbones. Dermal fillers are used to achieve that instant “plumping” effect, restoring and enhancing the volume of the cheeks and giving definition to the natural cheekbone structure, resembling the youthful facial contours.
The filler is injected to improve the size, definition, and shape of the cheeks, and the treatment is customised to your unique face shape, needs, and goals. This not only facilitates cheek augmentation but also lifts the midface and lower face.
How Long do Cheek Filler Treatments Last?
Cheek fillers can last six months and two years before their results disappear since the material eventually dissolves and metabolises into the skin tissue. However, this length depends on the type of dermal filler you opt for; At Eden cosmetics, we will discuss your options and tailor your treatment to suit your goals and needs.
You might, however, want to reconsider using dermal fillers if:
- You’re allergic to dermal fillers’ synthetic compounds
- You’re pregnant or breastfeeding
- You have bleeding disorders

What’s the Cheek filler Treatment Procedure Like?
Loss of facial volume can be brought on by the natural ageing process and factors related to a person’s lifestyle and health, such as illnesses, smoking, losing weight, excessive sun exposure, and heat. However, the volume loss can be restored and treated using specialised facial dermal fillers, a non-surgical and non-invasive option suitable for many.
Dermal fillers are used in cheek filler procedures to restore cheek volume instantly, and this is accomplished by strategically injecting the midface to create fuller, more defined cheekbones. Hyaluronic acid, which is secure and authorised for use in the cheeks and face, is the primary ingredient in the fillers used for the midface region.
Your cheek structure and shape will be evaluated before the treatment to ensure that you are a good candidate. This is done to see if the treatment can deliver the outcomes that you want and expect. After everything is in order and you feel comfortable to go ahead, the treatment will start. Before beginning, numbing cream is applied to the area to lessen the discomfort. Once the cream has had time to take effect fully, premium dermal filler is prepared for the injection.
With just one injection on each side of the cheeks, the injection is placed gradually and slowly, filling in the filler beneath the skin in all the designated areas. There will be a decreased risk of bruising, swelling, and vascular complications by only opening one entry point on each side. To prevent significant bruising and swelling before the procedure, we advise refraining from consuming alcoholic beverages a few days beforehand.
Cheek filler & Instant results
You will notice immediate plumpness, contour, and structure to your cheekbones once both sides of your cheeks have been properly filled and massaged.
You are awake and able to participate throughout the treatment, seeing and feeling the change, which is one of the major advantages of this non-surgical procedure, such as cheek filler. At Eden cosmetics Hobart, we encourage patient participation throughout the consultation and course of treatment.
This is done to ensure that expected results, not unexpected ones, are obtained. The average patient experiences no to little pain during the treatment, which lasts no more than 30 minutes. You can resume your day with little disruption after receiving immediate results that do not require downtime, significant swelling, or bruising.

Recovery time for cheek filler
You should sleep flat on your back and face up during the first few days after the treatment.
Moreover, please avoid any strenuous activity 48 hours after the injection procedure. It’s best to ensure that the filler has settled and taken shape.
You might also want to avoid touching your face but keep it clean and dry until you’re sure infection isn’t likely.
The Benefits of Cheek Fillers
Cheek fillers are incredibly beneficial compared to most treatment options, including surgical facelifts and cheek implants that include the following.
- Quick recovery after the procedure, most people resume their daily activity without a hitch.
- Cheek fillers have a local anesthetic as part of the injection to minimise discomfort.
- Cheek fillers are low-risk, resulting in no infection or severe implications.
- Unlike more invasive plastic surgery, cheek fillers aren’t costly for making your cheeks appear more defined.
- Cheek fillers can make your face appear more symmetrical,
- Enhancing the volume and appearance of your cheekbones with cheek fillers will change your face’s shape and improve your face’s contours.
- Looking younger: You can look more youthful by having high cheekbones and a pleasing facial profile. As we age, our skin loses volume, and cheek fillers can restore this volume.
- Hyaluronic acid and collagen are naturally occurring substances that help hydrate skin. When these are reduced, your skin can lose its shine and hydration due to the natural ageing process. Therefore, by injecting these into the affected areas, you can replenish moisture and give your skin a radiant appearance.
Are cheek fillers safe?
The cheek filler procedure is pretty straightforward and low-risk. And while the recovery procedure is minimal, a few side effects can be associated with it, including:
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Redness
- Itching
Please remember that all dermal filler procedures have a marginal risk of infection or allergic reaction.

What areas can be treated with dermal filler?
The volume of the tissues in our faces gradually decreases as we age. We lose bone, muscle, and fat mass, which lessens the support for the ageing skin (which is losing collagen and elasticity). In particular, in the lower face, this is what causes the facial contours to soften and sag inward and downward. The full facial contours of youth result from fat in the facial compartments.
Most of us lose our facial volume in a typical sequence. The area around the eyes comes first, then the middle of the upper cheek beneath the eye, and finally, the cheekbones. The forehead comes next, then the areas around the sides of the mouth and the nasolabial folds. The sides of the face are last but not least (including the temples). Our goal is to restore youthful contours by replacing the lost volume in these areas.
These days, facial changes can occur for reasons other than ageing. Many of us attempt to lose weight and succeed as our health consciousness increases—the amount of facial fat changes due to weight loss. Dermal fillers can help if you’ve reached your ideal weight and are happy with your flatter stomach, smaller thighs, and smaller bottom but unhappy with the fat loss in your face.
The most commonly treated areas include:
- Cheeks
- Lips
- Corners of mouth
- Nasolabial folds
- Under eyes – “tear troughs.”
- Jawline
- Chin
- Nose (shape)
- Foreheads
- Temples

Cheek filler FAQ
What is the difference between anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers?
Anti-wrinkle injections help to smooth out fine lines associated with ageing in the upper half of the face by relaxing the muscle movement in those areas. Dermal fillers can enhance facial features, fill deep wrinkles and depressions, and create contours.
Depending on your desired results, anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers can be combined during the same treatment session. This can be covered during your consultation.
How long do fillers last in the cheeks?
The treatment area, skin elasticity, injection technique, filler type, and patient’s metabolism are just a few variables that affect how long a procedure lasts. Following a consultation, your practitioner can advise you on the best course of action because every person’s body is unique, and results will differ from person to person. Typically results last between six months and a year.
How long after cheek filler can I apply cosmetic makeup?
It is advised to wait up to 24 hours after treatment before applying makeup. The integrity of the skin is harmed when we inject, and it takes some time for the injury to heal. Makeup applications can clog the injection site, increasing the risk of infection. In addition to being unfortunate, having an infection sometimes necessitates dissolving the filler and starting antibiotic therapy.
Do men get cheek filler treatment?
Men experience ageing as well. To look healthy, refreshed, and attractive, men need to replace lost volume and contouring like women. It’s important to note that the male and female aesthetics are entirely different in this case. The ability to feminise or masculinise a face can produce the best results for gender-based treatments. Our cosmetic nurses at our Hobart clinic are experienced with treating male patients for all types of anti-aging treatments.
Is 1mL of filler enough for Cheeks?
Since every person is unique, not every person will need the same amount of filler. The required product quantity will be discussed with your injector during the consultation process and will depend on the volume loss, among other factors.
Are fillers better than Anti Wrinkle Injections?
Injections used to treat wrinkles and fillers have different goals. Because of this, we typically use a combination of both to give our patients the best results. Fillers work to restore lost volume, contour, and structure. Anti Wrinkle Injections stop the dynamic wrinkle-producing muscle movement in the skin. The two treatments work so well together because of this!
Will I look natural with cheek filler?
The outcome is a beautiful, natural, youthful appearance when fillers are used in the right amount and location. Fillers are not intended to produce entirely new features; the outcome enhances one’s facial features when performed by our Hobart cheek filler nurses.
Which dermal filler brand do you carry?
We carry a variety of dermal fillers at Eden Cosmetic Therapies to meet each client’s unique requirements. Because dermal fillers are so well-liked by our clients, we only use the best brands and always have an ample supply on hand. Products with dermal fillers range in thickness, anaesthetic content, and durability.
How does Cheek Filler Treatment work for Men in Hobart?
Cheek filler treatment involves injecting a dermal filler into the cheeks to restore volume, lift sagging skin, and enhance the cheek contour. Our experienced cosmetic nurses in Hobart use a micro-cannula to inject the filler precisely into the cheeks, ensuring the best possible results. The dermal filler used in the treatment is chosen based on the specific needs of each individual, and the procedure typically takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete.
What are the benefits of Cheek Filler for Men in Hobart?
Cheek filler for men in Hobart has several benefits, including restoring volume to the cheeks, lifting sagging skin, and enhancing the cheek contour. It can also provide a more youthful appearance, balance the face, and improve self-confidence. Additionally, cheek filler treatment is non-invasive and requires no downtime, making it a convenient and popular choice for men looking to enhance their appearance.
Is Cheek Filler Treatment painful for Men in Hobart?
Cheek filler treatment is not painful, and our pre-packaged fillers contain a local anesthetic to minimise discomfort. We also offer a numbing cream to control any discomfort during the procedure. Our experienced cosmetic nurses in Hobart take every precaution to ensure a comfortable and stress-free experience for all of our patients.
What other dermal filler treatments are popular for men in Hobart?
In addition to cheek fillers, other popular dermal filler treatments for men in Hobart include lip fillers, chin sculptors, and cheekbone augmenters. These treatments are designed to address common aging concerns such as loss of volume, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Men can also opt for treatments that target the nasolabial folds and tear troughs to improve the appearance of the area under the eyes.
Every treatment is customised for each patient to ensure the best possible results. A thorough evaluation and consultation with a skilled cosmetic nurse is an important first step in determining the right treatment plan. With a range of dermal fillers available, our Hobart clinic offers a variety of options to help men achieve their desired look.
Eden Cosmetic Therapies | Specialist Cosmetic Injectables. Book Cheek Filler in Hobart